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Chicago Southland Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Chicago Southland organiser on: 2019-12-18



Golf Course Sustainability: Growing From the Ground Up at Cog Hill Golf Club

The next meeting of Chicago Southland Green Drinks is Thursday, January 23, 2020 at Blue Island Beer Company - 13357 Olde Western Avenue, Blue Island, Illinois - from 6pm until 8pm.  At this free event, Angelica Carmen will present a program on the sustainability efforts at Cog Hil Golf Club.

Angelica has been employed as the Sustainability Specialist at Cog Hill Golf Club since 2017, working to implement green initiatives and move towards sustainability both on and off the golf course at the public 4-course facility. Her project areas include wildlife conservation, native land restoration, water quality management, urban farming, and education. Most notably, her largest program is Fairway Farms & Apiary, Cog Hill’s culinary farm and bee yard.

If you plan to attend, please contact Dave ward at

Like our Facebook page: "Chicago Southland Green Drinks" for the lates information

Share this event on Facebook and Twitter.We hope you can make it!Cheers,Chicago Southland Green Drinks